쿠웨이트 SACC 신도시를 위한 경관 계획 및 도시가로시설물 디자인
아래의 이미지는 가로시설물 디자인의 일부
Purpose of Public Facility Design
- To suggest public facility designs that unify the cityscape of SAAC
- To create a pleasant and organized cityscape through public facility design
- To contribute to the development of an elegant city environment through the unique urban identity of the SAAC
South Saad Al Abdullah City Cityscape Planning (Not Uploaded)
- To create a fully systematic cityscape for Kuwait’s new residential city.
- To create a positive cityscape for urban residents, focused on good living.
- To develop a unique cityscape reflecting characteristics of the local area that will also improve the overall urban
- When building streets with the SSAC’s public and private construction, the cityscape plan shall be reflected.
Location: SAAC, Kuweit
Design: EDI inc.
Client: LH