Turkey, 1915 Canakkale / 2018

터키 1915 Canakkale Br. 색채 및 부대시설 디자인


TURKEY, 1915 Canakkale / 2018

터키 1915 Canakkale

터키의 차나칼레교의 색채와 부대시설 디자인 :  다르다넬스해협에 위치한 이 교량은 현대 터키를 탄생시킨 배경이 되는 1915년 1차세계대전의 역사적인 다르다넬스 전투에 대한 터키인의 자랑스러운 기억을 불러일으키는 디자인을 목표로 한다.

Turkey's Canakkale bridge's colors and subsidiary facilities design: The design of the bridge located in the Dardanelles Strait was inspired by the historic Battle of Dardanelles that took place during World War I in 1915, which played a significant role in the formation of modern Turkey. The design concept of the bridge aims to evoke the proud memories of the Turkish people associated with this historic event.

Design: EDI inc.  

Construction: DL E&C

Location: Canakkale, Turkey


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